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Learn more about the work performed at AIM




Benefits of Ancestral Clearing

Clarity and Focus: 

Participants often report enhanced mental clarity and focus, allowing them to make more conscious life choices.

Physical Well-being: 

The release of emotional stress can lead to physical relief, promoting overall health and vitality.


Enhanced Relationships: 

By addressing ancestral wounds, participants may experience
improved relationships and communication.

 Giving you a sense of higher value to live the life of your dreams.

Emotional Liberation: 

Ancestral clearing liberates individuals from the grip of inherited emotions, paving the way for emotional freedom.

About Founder: Rohan Clarke (Divine Light )
Aligned Inspired Mission

From an early age, Rohan was very aware of the suffering of the world, more intimately in Jamaica where he was born and raised. His awakening at an early age, caused him to perceive life differently from most people. Hence, he always wanted to make a difference. Through his experience he realized that there was a struggle going on inside of him and he longed for peace of mind, a life of grace and ease and abundance in all areas, he truly believes this is possible and actually feels this is how life was meant to be.


He was a successful businesses man who aggressively operated seven businesses including owning a commercial rental complex. As time evolved, he realized that there was more to life than financial satisfaction and he answered his higher calling of helping people from all areas of life resolve life's nuances - supporting their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. His work helps people to revolutionize the mind. In essence, stripping away negative imprints and ideas, so that they can return to their true nature, one with Source. 

Rohan's clients include spiritual practitioners,  doctors, nurses, politicians, entertainers, engineers, law enforcement, and other wide range of professionals. On his journey, he stopped at no-thing while gathering tools to help humanity because he realized the unique diversity of each individual. He embodied healing solutions and modalities, including, Hypnosis, Moon Work, Numerology, Spirit Wealth, Past Life Regression, African Spirituality, NLP (neurolinguistic programming), and Life Coaching, from which he has evolved into an Ancestral Resolve Practitioner. Naturally, he was excited to share this work, and has since been celebrated by a number of persons whose lives have been positively impacted.


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Our Services

Journey to a more Conscious and Awakened way of life

TD, Jamaica

“I had chronic pain and burning in the soles of my feet, and after a session with Rohan, I felt immediate relief.  My health and quality of life has improved significantly since then.” 

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Disclaimer: Rohan Clarke is not a physician or health care professional. He does not diagnose or treat disease. His work is complementary to and supportive of necessary professional health care. His work is not intended to replace any medical psychological or psychiatric diagnosis or treatments or prescriptions without first consulting with your healthcare professional. By participating in this offering, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the above.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Rohan Clarke and/or Aligned Inspired Mission (Author) present the entire content of this website for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions, nor claim to prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure such conditions. In presenting, no attempt is being made to provide diagnosis, care, treatment, or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles to provide diagnosing treating operating, or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Any techniques the author or publisher address only pertain to the underlying spiritual issues that may affect human well-being.

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